Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Counting down sleeps

4 more sleeps until we get on the plane, Delhi bound... and only 3 until we head to Vancouver!  I'm getting very excited indeed, although there still seems to be so much to do before we're ready to go.  I'll be heading four hours north tomorrow, to drop our baby #1 off at my mum's... poor mum.  But we will certainly miss our little terror!  A couple pics...

Zorba, looking unnaturally calm and demure:

And a more typical scenario..


  1. So so so exciting!! Zorbra is adorable, love the muddy legs pic!!! Safe travels!!

  2. Love the pics. Your probably on route now. Hope you enjoy Delhi.

  3. All the best to you. I am in Vancouver so if you ever want to meet up let me know. Email, alhenderson@vcc.ca

  4. Safe journey & enjoy Delhi!. Love Zorba, looks so innocent!
