So I've been thinking about this whole process. The worry, the stress, the emotional, financial and time commitments. How easy it is to get caught up in the details, thinking about pills, needles, the bank account and what in god's name can we do to make this WORK. Taking folic acid, watching the calendar, trying in vain to tell oneself that really ONE beer won't hurt and then feeling guilty (fetal alcohol follicles). Finally making it to India and trying not to hate a spouse who adapts to the chaos within seconds of landing, while I wander around Delhi like a bloated, hormonal cow on crack, pondering the merits of pushing that spouse into the traffic he loves so much...
What was I saying? Oh yes, getting caught up in the details. Especially when it all culminates in staring blankly at 5 am at the dreaded BFN email and asking yourself why in the name of all that's holy did I ever think this might work?
Ah, here it is. Why are we doing this?
The fact of the matter is, I love my husband very much. He is my soulmate, my partner and my best friend. And we would dearly love to build a family together.
So in that spirit I thought I'd post a little celebration of us, mostly to have something visual to refer back to during tough, trying or I-want-to-smack-you-with-a-stick moments.
So here we go, a little visual documentary of some places and times in our journey together (so far)...
What is probably the first picture of us together, shortly after we met
Hiking in Farwell Canyon
Our first trip to San Miguel de Allende (central Mexico)
Wedding day, south of Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Las Vegas
Horseback trip into the south Chilcotin Mtns
2nd trip to San Miguel
Hiking on Vancouver Island
Taj Mahal 2012, 4th anniversary :)