Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hi everyone,

Well, no dust on us - we're starting to put some serious thought into cycling again in May, if we can work the time off and such.  Just wondering if anyone has any input to offer, from your own experiences?

- We were told 3 months is the minimum between egg collections.  May would be 3 months for us - ladies, anyone done cycles so close together?  Any issues with this?

- DHEA - we were advised I should start taking 25mg, 3x daily for 3 months before next collection.  I've read some alarming things on the internet (oh, Dr. Google, how evil you can be!!), so just wondering if anyone else has any experience with this stuff.  And I read somewhere in Canada you need a prescription (?)..

- Any thoughts on starting self-cycle at home vs. doing the whole cycle in India?  My thoughts are it would be easier to just have one doctor running the show, but the time off work and expense of a full 2 weeks in India (twice in 4 months!!) are definitely a factor

Thanks so much everyone!  Here we go again...


  1. nice to know you are set for your cycle. Dr Shivani recommended the dhea and i bought it after some studies that was done by centre for human reproduction centre in US which REALLY convinced me to buy it but i didnt use it because of dr google instead i uses pycnogenol which i found no bad thing about and i would believe that it helped with the quality of my old my opinion, i think you should weigh the cost of cycling in your country to the indian one. even though cost is cheaper especially of drugs in india, incorporating the hotel and airfare can accrue costs to that of home cycling. do the maths and your decision should be easier. take care

  2. Can't help with any advice or answer your questions but admire your determination to get going. Look forward to seeing you in Delhi in May.

  3. I self cycled 3 months apart and got more eggs the 2nd time, I thnk this was due to acupunture ,diet and the fact Dr Shivani incorporated a growth hormone 2nd time around. I couldnt find Dr in Melbourne to monitor or give me meds......personally I think it's better to do whole cycle in India as Dr Shivani can add new Meds or up the dose if she feels it is necessary. Just my humble opinion :) Feel free to email me anytime if u need more info.

  4. Hi, I cycled 3 times with SCI and had 8 weeks between the first 2 cycles. I started at home twice and the third was completely in India. Feel free to email me at and I can answer your questions from my perspective. Thanks.

  5. Hey There I just wanted to let you know how inspirational you are. I love that you have picked yourself up, dusted things off and are moving positively ahead with your dream despite the setbacks. You go girl!

  6. I self-cycled starting drugs in Australia then went to Delhi for the end of the drug cycle and egg harvest. Although the drugs were really really cheap in India, I didn't find them too expensive here either (Puregon for 7 days was around $35AU)- due to work commitments and finances - this worked really well for me. Also Dr.S. provided me with all the info I needed to get started.

  7. Hi Michael here thanks for the nice words on my blog. I am have been sp stressed over the visa, Its like pulling teeth. I am doing this with a egg donor and my sperm, at first when I started last year I was doing it alone and then I met a wonderful man who I have fallen in love with. He has been 100% supportive and been there for me. The wonderful people in the blog world have also been so much a comfert to talk too. I see that you might be in India in May I will be there at that time too. I have my trip paid for just have to work over time because of a bad family member got in to trouble and cost me about 10K to bail them out, but nothing will slow me down or stop me from being a dad. Let me know maybe we will be together the same week I will be there the 5th-10th. Well if you want to know more let me know smile I beleive everything will happen in due time.
